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AI Robot - Human Following Robot using TensorFlow Lite on Raspberry Pi

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The article describes making of a Human Following Robot using Raspberry Pi. You need to install Tensorflow Lite runtime on the Raspberry Pi to run the code provided with this article.

Raspberry Pi Human Following Robot Hardware human following robot


The details of the hardware and software components used in the project is as follows:-

Raspberry Pi  3A+

The main computer of the Robot

Coral USB Accelerator

Hardware to speed up the inferencing process

Pi Camera

Raspberry Pi 5 MP camera board

MobileNet SSD v2 (COCO)

Machine Learning Model which can detect the location of 90 types of objects in a picture

TensorFlow Lite interpreter

Python APIs that enables on-device machine learning inference

The hardware connections /circuit diagram of this human following robot has been covered while describing its making in this article. human following robot

Human Following Robot: An Overview

The robot uses its camera to capture the image and feeds the image to Object Detection Machine Learning Model. The model returns the list of objects. This list is traversed to see if 'person' is present. If 'person' is present, then the tracking code kicks in. An overview of the process is shown in the picture below.

human following through object detection model on raspberry pi


In order to appreciate this article, it is recommended that you keep referring the project code as you read through. In the code folder, both the files 'human_follower.py' and 'human_follower2.py' have the same purpose i.e. track a human and can be executed independently. The file 'human_follower.py' has extra lines of code for FLASK implementation and generation of overlays on the camera frame. The code pertaining to FLASK in this file streams the camera view along with custom overlays (created through OpenCV) over LAN. The streaming view can be monitored via a browser as shown in the picture below.

Human following robot camera view, OpenCV, Flask

The file 'human_follower2.py' is a stripped down version and does not implement FLASK. It is the bare minimum implementation of a human following robot using an Object Detection Machine Learning model. You can refer to 'human_follower2.py' file while reading this article further.

How it works

The code of Human Following Robot begins with initialising certain parameters. These are explained in the comments below.

 #OpenCV object to access camera
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

#threshold of prediction probability (or score). The model will consider an object detected if its score is above this value

#keep the top 5 objects which cross the above threshold.

#this is set to 1 if Coral hardware is used for running the model file.

#path where the model file is located
model_dir = '/home/pi/Documents/all_models' 

#model file
model_edgetpu = 'mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite' 

#label file corresponding to the model file
lbl = 'coco_labels.txt' 

# distance from center of frame on both sides. The object being tracked must be brought inside this zone while tracking

# deviation of the center of object from center of frame

# Y coordinate of the bottom edge of the bounding box

# This is the name of the object which is required to be tracked by the code


Inside the main function, the code begins with setting up the interpreter

interpreter, labels = cm.load_model(model_dir,model_edgetpu,lbl,edgetpu)

The function 'load_model()' is defined in the 'common.py' file. This function initialises the tflite interpreter based on the model and label files passed as the parameters. The variable 'edgetpu' is set to '1', which tells the function presence of Coral USB Accelerator. After initialising the interpreter, the code continuously loops to perform the three tasks as shown in the picture below.


human following robot code, flowchart_


The overall FPS depends upon the time taken by the three steps inside the loop. The breakdown of time taken by these steps is as follows:-

Capture Camera Frame

20 ms approx

Perform Inference and obtain Prediction

60 ms approx

track 'person'

20 ms approx

Total time

100 ms


1/(0.1 s) = 10

The presence of Coral USB Accelerator speeds up the second step to a large extent. Without acceleration, this step could take upto 600-900ms, bringing down the FPS drastically. These values are measured for Raspberry Pi 3A+ which has 64 bit quad-core @ 1.4 GHz CPU and 512 MB RAM. The overall FPS can be improved further by using latest Raspberry Pi 4 model.

Lets see what happens in the three steps shown in the picture above.

1. Capture Frame. The code below captures a frame using Pi Camera, flips it horizontally & vertically and converts it in a format that is required by the Object Detection model. Then it feeds the frame to the input tensor of the interpreter.

ret, frame = cap.read()
if not ret:
cv2_im = frame
cv2_im = cv2.flip(cv2_im, 0) # Horizontal flip
cv2_im = cv2.flip(cv2_im, 1) # Vertical flip

cv2_im_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(cv2_im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # change color scheme
pil_im = Image.fromarray(cv2_im_rgb) # convert into array

cm.set_input(interpreter, pil_im) # provide the frame as input to the interpreter


2. Inference. This one line of code does the job of interacting with model to obtain the list of predictions. This part is called 'inference' which takes up more than half of the processing time. Coral USB Accelerator is used to bring down this processing time.



3. Predictions. Once the above line completes execution, the output tensor of the interpreter holds the information with respect to the objects present in the frame. This information is accessed using 'get_output()' function (defined in the file 'common.py') as shown below.

objs = cm.get_output(interpreter, score_threshold=threshold, top_k=top_k)

The variable 'objs' holds following information with respect to each object:-

- Class Name

- Score (prediction probability)

- Coordinates of the bounding box

Tracking a Person

The list of objects along with the labels are passed to the track_object() function.

track_object(objs,labels) #tracking 

The tracking function begins with checking if the list of objects is empty. If it is empty, the function returns and there is no further processing.

def track_object(objs,labels):
    global x_deviation, y_max, tolerance
        print("no objects to track")

If the list of objects is not empty, then one by one code checks whether the object name matches the desired object (i.e. person). In case, there is no match found, relevant message is printed and the function returns without proceeding further. If there is a match, then the code stores its coordinate information and proceeds further.

    for obj in objs:
        lbl=labels.get(obj.id, obj.id)
        if (lbl==object_to_track):
            x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = list(obj.bbox)
    #print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
        print("selected object no present")

The below code is executed only if the object list is not empty and it contains a 'person'. Here, the code calculates the deviation of the person from the center of the frame as shown in picture.

human following robot image processing


At this stage, the we know the exact position of the person inside the frame. Now, we can move the human following robot to bring the person in center. It is done by calling 'move_robot()' function inside a thread.

    thread = Thread(target = move_robot)

Movement of Robot

Forward movement of the robot

Using the information calculated in track_object() function above, the code here simply checks if the center of 'person' is below the 'tolerance' value. If yes, the code checks if the distance between bottom of bounding box and bottom of frame is below the set margin. If yes, then there is no need to move. Otherwise, move forward.

def move_robot():

    global x_deviation, y_max, tolerance
    y=1-y_max #distance from bottom of the frame
            print("reached person...........")
            print("moving robot ...FORWARD....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

Across movement of robot (Right - Left motion)

This part is executed whenever the 'person' moves out of the tolerance zone. The robot moves left or right to get the person in the center of frame.

            print("moving robot ...Left....<<<<<<<<<<")
            print("moving robot ...Right....>>>>>>>>")

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, ask me in the comments below.


  • from Karan Rajesh Nair , 10 months ago

    What OS was used for the project.. i used ubuntu 204 and having problems with RPIO and tensorflow lite. Its because of the root access requirement of RPIO but when i run the code it using sudo command tensorflow runtime is not to be found 

    • from Spark , 10 months ago

      You need to use Raspberry Pi Legacy OS

  • from sang , 1 year ago

    Can I use this code to raspberry pi 4?

    • from Spark , 1 year ago

      Yes, you can use it on Pi 4

      • from sang , 1 year ago

        Thank you for your awesome code. 

        I love you.

  • from Nguyen Xuan Duong , 1 year ago

    Hi, if many persons are in front of your robot, how can your robot detect and follow the target person ???

  • from Aditya , 2 years ago

    Sir, have you tried implementing YOLO algorithm? if yes, then was there any major improvement in FPS without using the Coral accelerator?


    • from Spark , 2 years ago

      Hi Aditya, Sorry I haven't tried YOLO. But i'm sure that there won't be major improvement without Coral Accelerator.

  • from Nemdez , 2 years ago

    Hello Friend, Would you be able to add the PAN-TILT in the human follow-up? Because with camera movements improves the accuracy of tracking the man. could you add this code?

    • from Spark , 2 years ago

      You need to have a fixed position of camera for this code. Tracking is done by moving the entire robot to get the person in the center of frame. PAN-TILT won't work with this code

  • from Suryakumar , 2 years ago
    Very Good project!!! Can i use Raspberry pi b+ For this project. Please Tell me!!
  • from yep , 2 years ago
    What is the unit of distance measurement used inside this project ? Thanks
  • from shai , 3 years ago
    I built a balancing robot on 2 wheels that the motors are connected to an Arduino. How can I send your code through Raspberry Pie to the motors connected to the Arduino.
  • from Abhi , 3 years ago
    Hi awesome work. Would the same code be sufficient if coral is not used? (Ie will the project work with the same exact steps with the absense of coral albeit with more time taken)
    • from Spark , 3 years ago
      Yes, it will work. Just make the variable 'edgetpu=0' in util.py file.
      • from Abhi , 3 years ago
        Hello which is the util.py file such a file does not exist. Is it the common.py file?
        • from Spark , 3 years ago
          Its there in 'earthrover' folder. Check the github link of this project
  • from Gx , 3 years ago
    Brother plzz i want the hardware joining and code implementation of this robot....plzzz i really want it for my college project
    • from Spark , 3 years ago

      its same as described here


    • from Ajit , 2 years ago

      Im also working on this project (college project) help me...PLZZ..i need ur guidence

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